


2019-03-05 18:21:20  ·  词库



英音 [ræn] 美音 [ræn]


v. 跑( run的过去式 );移动;(使)流动;(工作等)进行;

名词 run:

  1. a score in baseball made by a runner touching all four bases safely

  2. the act of testing something

  3. a race run on foot

  4. an unbroken series of events

  5. (American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team

  6. a regular trip

  7. the act of running; traveling on foot at a fast pace

  8. the continuous period of time during which something (a machine or a factory) operates or continues in operation

  9. unrestricted freedom to use

  10. the production achieved during a continuous period of operation (of a machine or factory etc.)

  11. a small stream

  12. a race between candidates for elective office

  13. a row of unravelled stitches

  14. the pouring forth of a fluid

  15. an unbroken chronological sequence

  16. a short trip

ranch n. 大牧场,大农场;牧场工作人员; vi. 经营牧场;在牧场工作; vt. 经营牧场;在牧场饲养…;
rancher n. 大牧场主;大农场工人,牧场工人;牧屋;
rancheria n. 墨西哥牧者的住房,印第安人村落;
ranchero n. 大农场经营者,牧场工人;
ranchman n. 大农场经营者,牧场工人;
rancho n. 大牧场(或大农场)工人住的棚屋;
rancid adj. (指含有油脂食物)因变质而有陈腐味道或气味的,(指气味或味道)如陈腐脂肪味的;
rancor n. 深仇,积怨,怨恨;
rancour n. 深仇,积怨,怨恨;冤仇;
rand n. 鞋后根与鞋底中间的垫皮,边缘;
randan n. 狂欢,三人划的小艇;三人划艇;
random adj. 任意的;随机的;胡乱的; n. 随意;偶然的行动;
randomize v. 使随机化,完全打乱,(使)作任意排列;
randy adj. 性欲冲动的;好色的;[苏格兰]喧闹的;粗俗的; n. [苏格兰]粗野的女人,强讨的叫花子,莽汉;粗鲁悍妇;
ranee n. (印度酋长或王公的)后妃或遗孀;
rang v. 把…圈起来( ring的过去式 );环绕;包围;打电话给;
range n. 范围;射程;类别;(山脉,房屋等的)排列; vi. 变化;包括;涉及; vt. 排列;徘徊;
rangeland n. <美>牧场,放牧地;
ranger n. 护林者;<美>突击队,(防守广大地域的)游击兵;骑兵巡逻队;游荡的人;

also-ran n. 落选之马,败者,落选者;
ran. [医][=random]任意,随机;
Transfer RAN [医]转移核糖核酸;
plastic teet ran [医]塑料牙列;




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