


2019-03-05 12:08:16  ·  词库



英音 [bænd] 美音 [bænd]


n. 带;乐队;衣带;价值;

vt. 给…镶边;用带绑扎;(将价格、收入等)划分档次;把…联合起来;

vt.& vi. 结合起来,伙同;

vi. 聚集,联合(起来)(通常与together 连用);


  1. an unofficial association of people or groups;

    "the smart set goes there"
    "they were an angry lot"

  2. instrumentalists not including string players

  3. a stripe or stripes of contrasting color;

    "chromosomes exhibit characteristic bands"
    "the black and yellow banding of bees and wasps"

  4. an adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material

  5. a group of musicians playing popular music for dancing

  6. a range of frequencies between two limits

  7. a thin flat strip of flexible material that is worn around the body or one of the limbs (especially to decorate the body)

  8. a cord-like tissue connecting two larger parts of an anatomical structure

  9. jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger;

    "she had rings on every finger"
    "he noted that she wore a wedding band"

  10. a driving belt in machinery

  11. a thin flat strip or loop of flexible material that goes around or over something else, typically to hold it together or as a decoration

  12. a strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it (as in studies of bird migration)

  13. a restraint put around something to hold it together

  1. bind or tie together, as with a band

  2. attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify;

    "ring birds"
    "band the geese to observe their migratory patterns"

bandage n. 绷带; vt. 用绷带绑扎;
bandanna n. 印花大手帕;
bandbox n. (盛帽子的)圆筒形纸板盒;
bandeau n. 束发带;
banderilla n. 装饰标枪(斗牛时用);
banderillero n. <西>(用带钩短标枪刺牛的)斗牛士助手;
banderole n. 小旗,飘带;
bandicoot n. (澳大利亚、新几内亚袋狸科)袋狸;害鼠;
bandit n. 土匪,强盗;
bandleader n. 乐队的领队;
bandmaster n. (军乐、铜管乐队等的)乐队指挥;
bandog n. 猛犬,警犬,猎狗;
bandoleer n. (挎在肩上的)子弹带;布子弹带;
bandoneon 班都尼昂琴(小手风琴,在拉丁美洲特别流行);
bandore n. 三弦琴;
bandsman n. 军乐队成员,铜管乐队队员;
bandstand n. (有顶盖)室外音乐演奏台;
bandwagon n. 时尚,浪潮;[音乐]乐队彩车;[非正式用语] 引导车;[非正式用语]潮流;
bandwidth n. 带宽;
bandy vt. 吵嘴,顶嘴;传播(谣言、消息等)(常为漫不经心地); n. 早期曲棍球; adj. 向外弯曲的;
bellyband n. (马与车轴等相连的)肚带;腹带;
broadband n. 宽带;
contraband n. 走私,禁运品;走私者;走私夹带;黑货;
disband vt. (使)解散,散伙;解体;遣散; vi. 解散;遣散;
hatband n. 帽边的缎带,服丧时帽子上的黑带;
headband n. (扎在额头上的)束发带,扎头带;
househusband n. <美>操持家务的丈夫;
husband n. 丈夫;〈英〉管家;〈古〉节俭的管理人;船舶管理人; vt. 节俭地使用;〈罕〉做…的丈夫;
neckband n. 衬衫领子,围颈带;领口;
noseband n. (牲口的)鼻羁;
riband n. <古>丝带,缎带;
ribband n. 带板,临时装设板,(船的)防滑材; v. 用肋骨牵条固定;
saraband n. 萨拉班德舞(一种缓慢而庄严的古西班牙宫廷舞);萨拉班德舞曲;
sideband n. 边(频)带,旁(频)带;
sweatband n. (帽衬)防汗带,吸汗带;
trainband n. 民兵队;
waistband n. 腰带,束腰带;
watchband n. (手)表带;
waveband n. (无线电的)波段;

band oven 传动带式烤炉;
dance band n. 跳舞乐队;
band feeder 带式喂料器;
emission band 放射频带,发射谱带;
band overlapping 频带重叠;
abrasive band 砂带;
cloud band 绘画中的带状云彩;云带;
conveyer band 输送带;传送带;
band changing 频带变换;
hose band 软管卡子;
vision band 视频带;
band to band recombination 带间复合;
band to band transition 带间跃迁;
band-to-band tunnelling 带间隧道效应;
band-to-band transition 带间跃迁;
isocount band [医]等计数带;




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