英音 [strɒŋ] 美音 [strɔŋ]
adj. 强的;坚强的;强烈的;强壮的;
adv. 强劲地;猛烈地;大大地;坚强地;
having strength or power greater than average or expected;
"a strong radio signal"
"strong medicine"
"a strong man"
not faint or feeble;
"a strong odor of burning rubber"
having or wielding force or authority;
"providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons"
having a strong physiological or chemical effect;
"a potent toxin"
"potent liquor"
"a potent cup of tea"
"a stiff drink"
immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with;
"an impregnable fortress"
"fortifications that made the frontier inviolable"
"a secure telephone connection"
of good quality and condition; solidly built;
"a solid foundation"
"several substantial timber buildings"
of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection;
"`sing' is a strong verb"
being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content;
"hard liquor"
freshly made or left;
"a warm trail"
"the scent is warm"
strong and sure;
"a firm grasp"
"gave a strong pull on the rope"
Armstrong n. 阿姆斯壮(美国宇航员,1969年7月登陆月球,成为第一个登上月球的地球人);
headstrong adj. 任性的,刚愎自用的;
strongbox n. 保险箱;
stronghold n. 要塞;据点;根据地;
strongman n. 大力士;
strongpoint n. 战略要点,长处,优点;据点;
strongyle n. 圆线虫;两头圆针;
strongylosis n. 圆线虫病;
strong-minded adj. 意志坚强的,有主见的;
strong brine 浓盐水;
strong digraph 强双图;
strong point. n. 长处,专长,强项;
strong caustic 浓氢氧化钠溶液;
strong concrete 高强度混凝土;
strong measures 强硬措施,高压手段;
strong waters 烈性饮料,烈性酒;
market strong n. 市场坚挺;
strong extremum 强性极值;
strong man n. 大力士,强人;
strong wheat 面筋强的小麦;
strong rubber 强胶;
strong line 强谱线;
strong precedence [计] 强优先;
strong type 强型;
strong discontinuity 强间断;
Strong's dysentery 斯特朗菌痢;
strong differentiability 强可微性;
strong denaturant [医]强变性剂;
strong vat 强碱瓮;
strong room 保险库;
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