


2019-03-05 15:39:52  ·  词库



英音 [edʒ] 美音 [ɛdʒ]


n. 边;优势;(悬崖、峭壁的)边缘,端;锋利,尖锐;

vt. 在…上加边界;使渐进;给(刀刃)磨边,使锋利;修整;

vi. 慢慢向前移动,侧身移动;


  1. the boundary of a surface

  2. a line determining the limits of an area

  3. a sharp side formed by the intersection of two surfaces of an object;

    "he rounded the edges of the box"

  4. the attribute of urgency in tone of voice;

    "his voice had an edge to it"

  5. a slight competitive advantage;

    "he had an edge on the competition"

  6. the outside limit of an object or area or surface; a place farthest away from the center of something;

    "the edge of the leaf is wavy"
    "she sat on the edge of the bed"
    "the water's edge"

  1. advance slowly, as if by inches;

    "He edged towards the car"

  2. provide with a border or edge;

    "edge the tablecloth with embroidery"

  3. lie adjacent to another or share a boundary;

    "Canada adjoins the U.S."
    "England marches with Scotland"

  4. provide with an edge;

    "edge a blade"

Kittredge n. (姓氏) 基特里奇;
Rutledge [人名] [英格兰人、苏格兰人姓氏] 拉特利奇 Routledge的变体;[地名] [美国] 拉特利奇;
acknowledge vt. 承认;鸣谢;对…打招呼;告知已收到;
dredge vt. 清淤,疏浚(河道等);挖掘(泥土等),使显露;捞取;(用面粉、糖等)撒; vi. 疏浚;挖掘;采捞; n. 挖泥机,疏浚机;(采牡蛎,捕鱼等用的)拖网,捞网;悬浮矿石;
edger n. 轧边机;方边机;
edgewise adv. 把刀口朝前地;沿边;
featheredge vt. 削薄…的边; n. 薄边;
fledge vi. (鸟)长羽毛; vt. 给(箭)装上羽毛;把(小鸟)养到能够飞翔;用羽毛[绒羽]装饰;给…装上羽毛[绒毛];
foreknowledge n. 预知,先见之明;
frankpledge n. 十家连保制,十户;
hedge n. 树篱;保护手段;防止损失(尤指金钱)的手段; vt. 用树篱围起;受…的束缚; vt.& vi. 回避,避免; adj. 树篱下的,树篱旁的;偷偷摸摸的,名声不好的,低劣的;
kedge v. 抛小锚移船; n. 小锚;
kentledge n. 压舱用铁块;
knowledge n. 了解,理解;知识(表示多方面的知识时有复数knowledges这一用法);学科;见闻;
ledge n. 壁架;暗礁;矿脉;
pledge n. 保证,誓言;[法]抵押权;公约;(表示友谊的)干杯; vt.& vi. 使发誓,保证;典当,抵押; vt. 许诺;用…担保;以誓言约束;向…祝酒; vi. 作出庄重有约束力的誓言;祝愿,祝酒;
sedge n. [植]莎草;
sledge n. 雪橇,雪车;大锤; vi. 乘雪橇; vt. 用雪橇运载;乘雪橇;用大锤打;
straightedge n. 画直线用尺;直尺;
wedge n. 楔;楔形物;(击高尔夫球的)楔形铁头球棒;〈比喻〉可以逐渐扩大作用的开端; vt. 楔入;用楔子楔牢;挤进; vi. 楔入;挤进;

EDGE n. 边;优势;(悬崖、峭壁的)边缘,端;锋利,尖锐; vt. 在…上加边界;使渐进;给(刀刃)磨边,使锋利;修整; vi. 慢慢向前移动,侧身移动;
edge doctor 边刮刀;
edge tone 边棱音;
edge glass 棱镜;
leading edge n. 前缘;(尤指飞机的)机翼前缘;(某活动领域的)重要位置;(尤指技术上的)前沿;
deck edge 池缘,甲板(边)缘;
seal edge 封边;
prepared edge 坡口加工面;
edge along 一点一点地移动;
edge compression 边缘压缩;
seamed edge 棱边,斜边;
edge-to-edge bite [医] 对切Ж;
edge-to-edge occlusion [医] 对刃Ж,对边Ж;
edge to edge occlusion [医]对刃牙合;
reference edge (纸带、磁带、卡片等的)基准边,参考边缘;
water edge 水边,水边线;
edge contrast [医]边缘对比;
character edge 字符边缘;
welted edge 搭接缝(边),摺边;
forward edge [计] 前向边;
edge definition 图像边缘清晰度;




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