


2019-03-05 18:21:27  ·  词库



英音 [ʃu:t] 美音 [ʃut]


vi. 拍摄;射击;发芽;

vt. (用枪等)打猎;拍摄;给…注射;射门,投篮;

n. 幼苗,嫩芽;发射;摄影;狩猎;

int. 感叹词(用于表示惊奇,并不强烈的愤怒或失望);


  1. a new branch

  2. the act of shooting at targets;

    "they hold a shoot every weekend during the summer"

  1. hit with a missile from a weapon

  2. kill by firing a missile

  3. fire a shot;

    "the gunman blasted away"

  4. make a film or photograph of something;

    "take a scene"
    "shoot a movie"

  5. send forth suddenly, intensely, swiftly;

    "shoot a glance"

  6. run or move very quickly or hastily;

    "She dashed into the yard"

  7. move quickly and violently;

    "The car tore down the street"
    "He came charging into my office"

  8. throw or propel in a specific direction or towards a specific objective;

    "shoot craps"
    "shoot a golf ball"

  9. record on photographic film;

    "I photographed the scene of the accident"
    "She snapped a picture of the President"

  10. emit (as light, flame, or fumes) suddenly and forcefully;

    "The dragon shot fumes and flames out of its mouth"

  11. cause a sharp and sudden pain in;

    "The pain shot up her leg"

  12. force or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing;

    "inject hydrogen into the balloon"

  13. variegate by interweaving weft threads of different colors;

    "shoot cloth"

  14. throw dice, as in a crap game

  15. spend frivolously and unwisely;

    "Fritter away one's inheritance"

  16. score;

    "shoot a basket"
    "shoot a goal"

  17. utter fast and forcefully;

    "She shot back an answer"

  18. measure the altitude of by using a sextant;

    "shoot a star"

  19. produce buds, branches, or germinate;

    "the potatoes sprouted"

  20. give an injection to;

    "We injected the glucose into the patient's vein"

bumbershoot n. 雨伞;
crapshoot n. <美口>有风险的事业;
offshoot n. 旁系子孙;支流;分枝;衍生物;
outshoot n. 突出。伸出;长出;突出物;(投手投出的)外角球;
overshoot vt. 超过;言过其实,夸张;
shootout 交火;点球大战;枪战;
snapshoot vt. 快镜拍摄;
troubleshoot 充当故障检修员;
undershoot vt. 射击低于,脱靶; n. 负脉冲信号,下冲;

adventitous shoot 不定枝;
root shoot 根蘖;
aerophilous shoot 气生苗;
shoot dice 掷骰子;
short shoot 短茎,短枝;
leafy shoot 叶枝;
shoot fire 眼中冒火,怒目相对;
primary shoot 初生苗,初生茎;
floral shoot 花柄,花梗;
coppice shoot 萌条,幼龄林;
shoot straight v. 瞄准打,命中率高;
bearing shoot 结果枝;
lateral shoot 侧条;
trouble shoot [计] 故障寻找;
shoot borer 嫩梢蛀虫;
bamboo shoot n. 笋,竹笋;
swollen shoot 肿枝病;
shoot cutting 嫩枝插;
sublateral shoot 副梢;
under shoot 下冲;
accessory shoot 辅助枝;




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