


2019-03-05 18:28:40  ·  词库



英音 [swɪm] 美音 [swɪm]


v. 游泳;游动;旋转;眩晕;

n. 游泳;


  1. the act of swimming;

    "it was the swimming they enjoyed most"
    "they took a short swim in the pool"

  1. travel through water;

    "We had to swim for 20 minutes to reach the shore"
    "a big fish was swimming in the tank"

  2. be afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottom

  3. be dizzy or giddy;

    "my brain is swimming after the bottle of champagne"

  4. be covered with or submerged in a liquid;

    "the meat was swimming in a fatty gravy"

  5. move as if gliding through water;

    "this snake swims through the soil where it lives"

swimmeret n. 游水足;桡肢;
swimming n. 游泳;眩晕; v. 游泳( swim的现在分词);漂浮;浸,泡;旋转;
swimmingly adv. 顺畅地,轻易地;
swimsuit n. (女式)游泳衣;
swimwear n. 游泳衣;

spinning swim 俯仰交替游;
repeat swim 反复游;
swim about 四处游动;
effort swim 强度游;
broken swim 分段游;
swim ring n. 游泳圈,救生圈;
swim bladder n. 浮囊,鱼鳔;
in the swim adv. 合潮流,赶时髦;
swim like a duck 识水性;
swim against the stream 逆流而上,是极其难的,违反常规的;
swim with the current 随波逐流;
SWIM v. 游泳;游动;旋转;眩晕; n. 游泳;
swim ear 游泳性耳病,游泳性耳炎;
swim-bladder [医]鳔;
Swim Ear 游泳性耳病,游泳性耳炎;
swim eye 游泳性眼病;
swim suit 游泳衣;
swim with the stream 随波逐流, 随大流;
Alaska cod swim-bladder [医]大头鳕鳔;
swim with the tide 随[不随]潮流;




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