


2019-03-05 18:29:06  ·  词库



英音 [tʃaɪld] 美音 [tʃaɪld]


n. 小孩,孩子;幼稚的人;产物;弟子;


  1. a young person of either sex;

    "she writes books for children"
    "they're just kids"
    "`tiddler' is a British term for youngster"

  2. a human offspring (son or daughter) of any age;

    "they had three children"
    "they were able to send their kids to college"

  3. an immature childish person;

    "he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived"
    "stop being a baby!"

  4. a member of a clan or tribe;

    "the children of Israel"

Rothschild [人名] 罗思柴尔德;[地名] [美国] 罗思柴尔德;
brainchild n. 脑力劳动的产物;独创的观念,点子;
childbearing n. 分娩;
childbed n. 产褥,分娩;
childbirth n. 分娩;生产;
childe n. <古>贵公子,公子,少爷;
childhood n. 童年,儿童时代;早期;
childish adj. 幼稚的;孩子气的;不复杂的;
childlike adj. 孩子般的;天真的;
childproof adj. 能防止孩童瞎摸弄的,对孩童安全的,不会被孩童弄坏的;
children n. 孩子们(child的复数);儿童;膝下;孥;
godchild n. 教子,名义上的儿子;
grandchild n. 孙子;孙女;外孙;
schoolchild n. 学童;
stepchild n. 丈夫与其前妻或妻子与其前夫所生的孩子;

gutter child 街头流浪儿;
flower child “花儿”,佩带鲜花鼓吹,“爱情与和平”的嬉皮士;
problem child 难管教的儿童;
with child adv. 怀孕(指女人);
natural child 非婚生子,婚前生子;
psychopathic child 精神病态儿童;
elf child n. 鬼小孩,小精灵所换留的小孩;
name-child n. 用某人名字命名的孩子;
feeble child 虚弱儿童;
erratic child 乖僻儿童;
slow child 迟钝儿童;
needy child 贫困儿童;
child pornography [法] 儿童色情作品;
white child [医]白种人儿童;
Foster child n. 养子,养女;
child home 母子家庭,父子家庭;
child pointer [计] 子指示字;
preschool child [医] 学龄前儿童;
child-welfare 儿童福利;
wonder child n. 神童;
child mortality 儿童死亡率;
television child [医]电视儿童(指一天看电视超过5小时的);




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