


2019-03-05 15:45:18  ·  词库



英音 [sɔ:lt] 美音 [sɔlt]


n. 盐;风趣;机智,讽刺;药用盐,泻盐;

vt. 撒盐;用盐渍;加盐以调味;为…增加趣味;

adj. 含盐的;有咸味的;盐渍的;


  1. a compound formed by replacing hydrogen in an acid by a metal (or a radical that acts like a metal)

  2. white crystalline form of especially sodium chloride used to season and preserve food

  3. negotiations between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics opened in 1969 in Helsinki designed to limit both countries' stock of nuclear weapons

  4. the taste experience when common salt is taken into the mouth

  1. (of speech) painful or bitter;

    "salt scorn"
    "a salt apology"

  1. add salt to

  2. sprinkle as if with salt;

    "the rebels had salted the fields with mines and traps"

  3. add zest or liveliness to;

    "She salts her lectures with jokes"

  4. preserve with salt;

    "people used to salt meats on ships"

basalt n. 玄武岩,黑陶器(似玄武岩的制品);
desalt vt. 除去盐分;脱盐;
saltarello n. 萨尔塔列洛舞(意大利的一种轻快的舞蹈);
saltation n. 跳跃;滚沙;沙暴;
saltatorial adj. 跳跃的;
saltatory adj. (适于)跳跃的;
saltbox n. 盐盒式建筑,不对称双坡顶房屋;
saltbush n. 滨藜;
saltcellar n. 盐瓶;
salter n. 盐厂员工,盐商,腌制者;
saltern n. 盐田,盐厂;盐场;
saltimbocca n. <意>意式煎小牛肉火腿卷;
saltine n. 撒盐饼干;
saltire n. X形十字,圣安得鲁十字;
saltish adj. 微咸的,略带咸味的;
saltpeter n. 硝石;
saltshaker n. 盐瓶(调味用);
saltwater adj. 盐水的;海产的;
saltworks n. 盐厂;
saltwort n. 藜科冈羊栖菜属植物;
salty adj. 含盐的;咸的;辛辣的;

biogenetic salt 生物盐;
free salt 游离盐;
rock salt n. 岩盐,石盐;矿盐;
flavoured salt 加调味料的食盐;
table salt n. (餐桌上有的)精制食盐;精盐;
sea salt n. 海盐;
oxide salt 氧化物盐类;
dry-salt vt. 干腌;
abraum salt 层积盐,废盐(主要是钾盐和镁盐,层积在石盐矿床上);
caustic salt 苛性盐;
physiological salt 生理的盐分;
SALT n. 盐;风趣;机智,讽刺;药用盐,泻盐; vt. 撒盐;用盐渍;加盐以调味;为…增加趣味; adj. 含盐的;有咸味的;盐渍的;
salt glazing 盐釉;
Bisulfate salt [医]硫酸氢盐;
salt secretion 盐分泌;
Reinecke's salt 赖纳克盐;
acidifying salt [医] 致酸盐;
dry-salt vt. 干腌;
copper salt [医]铜盐;
salt detector 盐分探测器;
bone salt 骨盐;
salt chuck 盐水贮木池;




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