


2019-03-05 12:07:10  ·  词库



英音 [lɑ:dʒ] 美音 [lɑrdʒ]


adv. 大大地;夸大地;详细地;顺风地;

adj. 大的;大规模的;大型号的;广泛的;

v. 玩个痛快;(尤指跳舞和饮酒)作乐;


  1. a garment size for a large person

  1. above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent;

    "a large city"
    "set out for the big city"
    "a large sum"
    "a big (or large) barn"
    "a large family"
    "big businesses"
    "a big expenditure"
    "a large number of newspapers"
    "a big group of scientists"
    "large areas of the world"

  2. fairly large or important in effect; influential;

    "played a large role in the negotiations"

  3. ostentatiously lofty in style;

    "a man given to large talk"
    "tumid political prose"

  4. generous and understanding and tolerant;

    "a heart big enough to hold no grudges"
    "that's very big of you to be so forgiving"
    "a large and generous spirit"
    "a large heart"
    "magnanimous toward his enemies"

  5. conspicuous in position or importance;

    "a big figure in the movement"
    "big man on campus"
    "he's very large in financial circles"
    "a prominent citizen"

  6. having broad power and range and scope;

    "taking the large view"
    "a large effect"
    "a large sympathy"

  7. in an advanced stage of pregnancy;

    "was big with child"
    "was great with child"

  1. at a distance, wide of something (as of a mark)

  2. with the wind abaft the beam;

    "a ship sailing large"

  3. in a boastful manner;

    "he talked big all evening"

enlarge vt.& vi. 扩大,放大;扩展,扩充;拉长说,详述;
largely adv. 大部分地,主要地;大规模地;丰富地;
largess n. 赠送;赏赐;赠品;贺礼;

large-eyed adj. 大眼的,大针眼的,睁大眼睛的;
large-scale adj. 大规模的,大范围的;大比例尺的;巨型的;声势浩大;
large injection 大注入;
large matrix 大矩阵;
large white 英国大白猪;
large item 大型模制品,大规格模制品;
large paperedition 大型本,大开本;
large punch 大冲子;
large prawn 大对虾;
at large (囚犯)在逃;逍遥法外;一般说来;详细地;
large-denomination adj. 大面额的;
large fruited 大果实的;
Large vessels 大血管;
large castings [机] 大型铸件;
large-duty 高生产率的;
large cherry 大樱桃;
large gut 大肠;
large angle 大角度;
large charge n. <美俚>快感,刺激,大亨;
large-diameter 大号;




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