


2019-03-05 12:08:16  ·  词库



英音 [ˈhɪstri] 美音 [ˈhɪstəri]


n. 历史,历史学;发展史;履历,经历;(某地的)沿革;


  1. the aggregate of past events;

    "a critical time in the school's history"

  2. a record or narrative description of past events;

    "a history of France"
    "he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president"
    "the story of exposure to lead"

  3. the discipline that records and interprets past events involving human beings;

    "he teaches Medieval history"
    "history takes the long view"

  4. the continuum of events occurring in succession leading from the past to the present and even into the future;

    "all of human history"

  5. all that is remembered of the past as preserved in writing; a body of knowledge;

    "the dawn of recorded history"
    "from the beginning of history"

ethnohistory n. 人种史学;
prehistory n. 史前时期;
protohistory n. 史前人类学;
psychohistory n. 心理历史学,心理历史(作品),心理动态史;

history of deformation history 形变历程,形变史;
seasonal history 季节生活史;
process history 历程;
local history 地方志;
Earth history 地质历史;地史学;
intellectual history 知识史;
modern history n. 近代史;
project history 项目历史;
history sheet 病历单;
make history 创造历史,做出值得载入史册的重要事情;
temperature history 温度随时间的变化;
neutron history 中子历史;
national history 民族史;国史;
plant history 植物历史学;
dividend history [经] 股利的历史水平;
drug history [医]药史;
compartment history 林班记录;
history museum 历史博物馆;
vocational history [医]职业史;
previous history [医]过去病史,既往史;
stress history 应力变化历程;
track history 全程轨迹;




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