


2019-03-05 12:08:43  ·  词库



英音 [hɔ:l] 美音 [hɔl]


n. 过道,走廊;大厅,前厅;娱乐中心,会所;


  1. an interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open;

    "the elevators were at the end of the hall"

  2. a large entrance or reception room or area

  3. a large room for gatherings or entertainment;

    "lecture hall"
    "pool hall"

  4. a college or university building containing living quarters for students

  5. the large room of a manor or castle

  6. English writer whose novel about a lesbian relationship was banned in Britain for many years (1883-1943)

  7. United States child psychologist whose theories of child psychology strongly influenced educational psychology (1844-1924)

  8. United States chemist who developed an economical method of producing aluminum from bauxite (1863-1914)

  9. United States explorer who led three expeditions to the Arctic (1821-1871)

  10. United States astronomer who discovered Phobos and Deimos (the two satellites of Mars) (1829-1907)

  11. a large and imposing house

  12. a large building used by a college or university for teaching or research;

    "halls of learning"

  13. a large building for meetings or entertainment

Marshall n. 元帅;典礼官;执法官;法官的随行官员(等于judge's marshal); vt. 安排;引领;统帅; vi. 各就各位;按次序排列成形(等于marshal);
Whitehall n. 怀特霍尔(伦敦的一条街名),白厅,英国政府;
catchall n. 放各种各样物品的容器,包罗甚广的话(或法律等),装零杂物品的容器; adj. 包罗万象的;
guildhall n. (中世纪的)同业公会会所,会馆;市政厅;
hallah n. (犹太教徒在安息日或其他假日吃的)白面包;
hallel n. (犹太人某些节日中诵咏的)<诗篇>第113到118篇;
hallelujah n. (赞美上帝用语)哈利路亚;
halliard n. 升降索(帆,旗等升降之用);旗绳;
hallmark n. 检验印记;特点,标志;质量证明; vt. 给…盖上品质证明印记;使具有…标志;
halloa n. 喂,啊呀; v. 喊叫;
halloo int. 一种喊声; n. 狩猎时招呼猎犬的喊声; v. 高呼,喊叫着追赶,高声招呼喊叫;
hallow vt. 使成为神圣,把…视为神圣;
hallowed adj. 神圣的;
halluces n. (人)大拇趾,(鸟)后趾;(鸟)后趾,(人)大拇趾( hallux的名词复数 );
hallucinate vt. 使产生幻觉;
hallucination n. 幻觉,幻想;错觉;
hallucinatory adj. 幻觉的,引起幻觉的;
hallucinogen n. 迷幻剂;
hallucinosis n. 幻觉病,幻觉性精神病;
hallux n. (鸟)后趾,(人)大拇趾;
hallway n. 走廊,过道;门厅;玄关;
shall v. 将要;必须;可以;应该;

Hall n. 过道,走廊;大厅,前厅;娱乐中心,会所;
mess hall n. 食堂;
assembly hall n. 会馆,议场;大礼堂;礼堂;会堂;
Hall constant 霍尔常数;
lecture hall 讲堂,讲演厅;
trade hall 工会会所;
central hall 中央大厅;
market hall 市场;
bachelor's hall n. 单身男子的住所;
Hall flowmeter 霍尔流动性测量计;
discussion hall 洽谈处;
white-hall [法] 白厅,英国政府,英国的政策;
Hall's pill 霍尔氏丸;霍尔消化剂;韦氏餐间丸;霍尔丸;
bachelor's hall n. 单身男子的住所;
inner hall 内殿;
grand hall 大厅;
Lung Hall [医]玉堂;
music hall n. 杂耍戏院;杂耍,综艺;音乐厅;艺剧场;
Hall accelerator [医]霍尔加速器;
study hall n. 自修室,自修课;
bachelor hall n. 单身住所;
Hall angle 霍耳角;




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