


2019-03-05 12:09:20  ·  词库



英音 [pʊt] 美音 [pʊt]


vt. 放;表达;给予(重视、信任、价值等);使处于(某种状态);

vt.& vi. 使感觉到;使受到…的影响;

vi. 说;猛推;将…送往;使与…连接;

n. [方]笨蛋,怪人;对策;

adj. 固定的;不动的;


  1. the option to sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date

  1. put into a certain place or abstract location;

    "Put your things here"
    "Set the tray down"
    "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"
    "Place emphasis on a certain point"

  2. cause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation;

    "That song put me in awful good humor"
    "put your ideas in writing"

  3. formulate in a particular style or language;

    "I wouldn't put it that way"
    "She cast her request in very polite language"

  4. attribute or give;

    "She put too much emphasis on her the last statement"
    "He put all his efforts into this job"
    "The teacher put an interesting twist to the interpretation of the story"

  5. make an investment;

    "Put money into bonds"

  6. estimate;

    "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M."

  7. cause (someone) to undergo something;

    "He put her to the torture"

  8. adapt;

    "put these words to music"

  9. arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events;

    "arrange my schedule"
    "set up one's life"
    "I put these memories with those of bygone times"

putamen n. 核,壳;
putative adj. 一般认定的,推定的,假定存在的;
putlog n. 脚手架跳板(短)横木;
putout n. 出局;
putrefaction n. 化脓;腐败;堕落;
putrefactive adj. 腐败的,易腐败的,腐烂的;
putrefy vt.& vi. (使)腐烂,(使)腐败;(使)化脓; vi. 腐化,堕落;
putrescence n. 腐败,腐烂,坏死;
putrescent adj. 将腐烂的,腐败的;
putrescible adj. 易腐烂的; n. 会腐烂的物质;
putrescine n. 腐胺;
putrid adj. 腐化的;有毒的;已腐烂的;卑劣的;
putsch n. 仓促起义,暴动;
putt n. (高尔夫球)轻击; vt.& vi. 把(球)轻轻打进洞里;轻轻一击;
puttee n. 绑腿,裹腿;
putter n. 置放者;推棒; v. 闲荡,行为懒散,混过;

put-put n. 砰砰声;
put ahead v. 拨快(钟表)的指针,提前;
put aside 撇开,储备;扔下;积蓄;搁;
put apart v. 留出;
put... away 把…收起来(放好);
put forward 提出;将…提前;向前移;将钟拨快;
put in 做;(使)在内;在…上花费;选举…执政;
put across 把…横置于…上;把…送到…的对面;用欺骗的方法使(某人)接受或相信;<非正>解释;
put round v. 传播,散布;
put-up adj. 密谋的,捏造的;
put-off n. 延迟,推脱,借口;
PUT vt. 放;表达;给予(重视、信任、价值等);使处于(某种状态); vt.& vi. 使感觉到;使受到…的影响; vi. 说;猛推;将…送往;使与…连接; n. [方]笨蛋,怪人;对策; adj. 固定的;不动的;
put a stay put 保持在原位;
put by 储存,存放在一边;
put procedure [计] 放置过程;
put over 把…讲清楚;推迟;成功完成;搭;
put to 使(某人)进入[处于](某种状态);在…上添加…;把…毁掉;用(某种方法)检验;
put on 增加;穿上;上演;使运转;
put right 恢复正常,纠正,改正;




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