


2019-03-05 12:09:30  ·  词库



英音 [ˈbɒdi] 美音 [ˈbɑdi]


n. 身体;尸体;团体;物体;

vt. 赋予形体;


  1. the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being);

    "he felt as if his whole body were on fire"

  2. a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity;

    "the whole body filed out of the auditorium"
    "the student body"
    "administrative body"

  3. a natural object consisting of a dead animal or person;

    "they found the body in the lake"

  4. an individual 3-dimensional object that has mass and that is distinguishable from other objects;

    "heavenly body"

  5. the body excluding the head and neck and limbs;

    "they moved their arms and legs and bodies"

  6. a collection of particulars considered as a system;

    "a body of law"
    "a body of doctrine"
    "a body of precedents"

  7. the property of holding together and retaining its shape;

    "wool has more body than rayon"
    "when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake"

  8. the central message of a communication;

    "the body of the message was short"

  9. the main mass of a thing

  10. a resonating chamber in a musical instrument (as the body of a violin)

  11. the external structure of a vehicle;

    "the body of the car was badly rusted"

  1. invest with or as with a body; give body to

Peabody 白喉带鹀;
alloantibody n. 同种抗体;
antibody n. <医>抗体;
anybody pron. 任何人,无论谁;随便哪一个人; n. <口语>重要的人,有声名的人;平常人;
autoantibody n. 自身抗体;
blackbody n. 黑体(能全部吸收辐射能的物体);
bodybuilding n. [体]健美运动;
bodyguard n. 保镖;卫士,警卫员;
bodysurf vi. 人体冲浪(指不用冲浪板而以胸腹冲浪);
bodywork n. (汽车的)车身;修理车身;塑身、纤体(如:按摩、瑜伽、锻炼等可以放松心情的方法,以达到促进身体和精神状况的目的。);
busybody n. 好管闲事的人;
disembody vt. 使脱离肉体(或躯壳);
dogsbody n. 杂役,做苦工的人;
embody vt. 表现,象征;包含,收录;使具体化;[军]组编;
everybody pron. 每人,人人;大伙儿;各位;
homebody n. 家庭第一主义的男人,喜欢在家消遣的男人;
isoantibody n. 同种抗体,同族抗体;
nobody pron. 没有人,无人; n. 小人物,无足轻重的人;
somebody pron. 某人,有人; n. 大人物,重要的人物;
underbody n. 底部,腹部;衣里;

body brush 马刷;
body stress 内应力,体应力;
ballistic body 弹道体;
vibrating body 振动体;
slender body 细长体;
epithelioid body 上皮样体;
suprapericardial body 后鳃体;
mealy body 松散的体质,质地疏松的体质;
grain body 谷物运载车厢;
heating body 加热的仪器,散热体;
neck body 颈体;
glass-body-demilune body 半月体;
Body Pillar [医]身柱;
body-builder n. 滋补的食物,锻炼肌肉使之发达的器械;
vibrating body 振动体;
suprapericardial body 后鳃体;
integral body 整体车身;
esophageal body [医]食管体部;
Russell's body 鲁塞尔小体;




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