


2019-03-05 12:09:41  ·  词库



英音 [leɪ] 美音 [le]


vt. 放置;铺放;涂,敷;产卵;

adj. 世俗的;外行的;没有经验的;

n. 叙事诗;性伙伴;


  1. a narrative song with a recurrent refrain

  2. a narrative poem of popular origin

  1. characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy;

    "set his collar in laic rather than clerical position"
    "the lay ministry"

  2. not of or from a profession;

    "a lay opinion as to the cause of the disease"

  1. put into a certain place or abstract location;

    "Put your things here"
    "Set the tray down"
    "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"
    "Place emphasis on a certain point"

  2. put in a horizontal position;

    "lay the books on the table"
    "lay the patient carefully onto the bed"

  3. prepare or position for action or operation;

    "lay a fire"
    "lay the foundation for a new health care plan"

  4. lay eggs;

    "This hen doesn't lay"

  5. impose as a duty, burden, or punishment;

    "lay a responsibility on someone"

layabout n. 无业游民,游手好闲之徒;
layaway 保留供将来客户付清货款的商品;
layback 返回距离;
layer n. 层,层次;膜;[植]压条;放置者,计划者; vt. 把…分层堆放;借助压条法;生根繁殖;将(头发)剪成不同层次; vi. 形成或分成层次;[植]通过压条法而生根;
layering n. 压条法;成层;分层;
layette n. 婴儿的全套服装;
layman n. 门外汉,外行;俗人;一般信徒;
layoff n. 停工,停止活动;临时解雇;操作停止;失业期;
layout n. 布局,安排,设计;布置图,规划图;
layover n. 临时滞留,中途下车;
laypeople n. 外行,非专业人员,未担任神职的一般信徒;
layperson n. 外行;
laywoman n. 外行的女人;

lay up 放置不用;贮存;储蓄;使(某人)待在床上或室内;
lay over v. 覆盖,胜过,使延期;
lay asleep 使入睡;
lay down 放下;规定;放弃;建造;
lay separation 分层,脱层;
lay steel 毛毯台;
lay brother 修道院做杂役的僧侣,凡人修士;
lay low 倒下,卧床,使死亡;
lay aboard v. 靠近;
lay corporation 非营利法人;
regular-lay right lay 右交捻;
regular-lay left lay 左交捻;
Albert lay 顺捻;
front lay 前端定位装置,前沿放置;
lang's lay 直纹绞;
lay off v. 暂时解雇,裁员;停止工作[活动];停止做某种不快的事;暂时解雇;
cutting lay 切削层;
lay length 捻距;
lay-aside 放置;
reverse lay 反向捻;
lay witness 普通证人;




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