


2019-03-05 12:10:14  ·  词库



英音 [ˈməʊmənt] 美音 [ˈmoʊmənt]


n. 瞬间,片刻;时刻;重要,紧要;[物]力矩;


  1. a particular point in time;

    "the moment he arrived the party began"

  2. an indefinitely short time;

    "wait just a moment"
    "in a mo"
    "it only takes a minute"
    "in just a bit"

  3. at this time;

    "the disappointments of the here and now"
    "she is studying at the moment"

  4. having important effects or influence;

    "decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself"
    "virtue is of more moment than security"
    "that result is of no consequence"

  5. a turning force produced by an object acting at a distance (or a measure of that force)

  6. the n-th moment of a distribution is the expected value of the n-th power of the deviations from a fixed value

momenta n. 动力,要素,动量(momentum的复数);
momentarily adv. 顷刻之间,<美>马上,立刻;
momentary adj. 短暂的;瞬间的;随时会发生的;时时刻刻的;
momently adv. 片刻地,时时刻刻地,暂时地;
momentous adj. 重大的;重要的;
momentum n. [物]动量;势头;动力;要素,契机;

resultant moment 合力矩;
stalling moment 失速力矩,使气流离体力矩;
the moment 一…就;此刻,那时;
constant moment 固定力矩;
unbalanced moment 不平衡力矩;
symmetric moment 对称力矩;
applied moment 作用力矩;
weak moment n. 极脆弱的时候,极易折服的时候;
ferromagnetic moment 铁磁矩;
breaking moment 断裂力矩,切断瞬间;
unguarded moment 失去警惕的时候;
moment strength 力矩强度;
sampling moment 样本矩;
gyro moment 陀螺力矩;
nonlinear moment [医]非线性偶极矩;
critical moment 临界力矩,临界时限,决定性时刻;紧要关头;
Dirac moment 狄拉克磁矩;
rotative moment 转动力矩;
retarding moment 减速力矩;
rolling moment 滚动力矩;滚转力矩;
moment ratio 矩比;




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