


2019-03-05 12:10:25  ·  词库



英音 [stri:m] 美音 [strim]


n. 河流,小河,川,溪;潮流,趋势,倾向;(事件等的)连续,(财富等的)滚滚而来;流出,流注,一连串;

vt.& vi. 流,流动;

vi. 飘扬;招展;鱼贯而行;一个接一个地移动;

vt. 按能力分班(或分组);按能力分班(或分组);


  1. a natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth

  2. dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas;

    "two streams of development run through American history"
    "stream of consciousness"
    "the flow of thought"
    "the current of history"

  3. the act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression

  4. something that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously;

    "a stream of people emptied from the terminal"
    "the museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors"

  5. a steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes);

    "the raft floated downstream on the current"
    "he felt a stream of air"
    "the hose ejected a stream of water"

  1. to extend, wave or float outward, as if in the wind;

    "their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind"

  2. exude profusely;

    "She was streaming with sweat"
    "His nose streamed blood"

  3. move in large numbers;

    "people were pouring out of the theater"
    "beggars pullulated in the plaza"

  4. rain heavily;

    "Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!"

  5. flow freely and abundantly;

    "Tears streamed down her face"

bloodstream n. 血流;
downstream adv. 在下游地;顺流地; adj. 顺流而下的;在下游方向的;
mainstream n. (思想或行为的)主流;主要倾向,主要趋势;
midstream n. 河流正中,中流;中游;
millstream n. 水车用水流;
slipstream n. (螺旋桨引起的)滑流,(行驶中车辆后的)气流,起带动作用的助力; v. (在前面的车辆形成的滑流里)驾驶或循环;
streambed n. 河床;
streamer n. (作装饰用的)彩色纸带;长条旗;
streamlet n. 小溪,细流;浜;
streamline vt. 把…做成流线型;使现代化;组织;使简单化; n. 流线;流线型;
streamlined adj. (指汽车、飞机等)流线型的;经过简化以改善效率的;现代化的; v. 使成流线型,使合理化(streamline的过去式和过去分词);
streamside n. 河滨,河边地带;
upstream adj. 向上游的;逆流而上的;(石油工业等)上游的; adv. 向上游;逆流地; n. 上游部门;

allochthonous stream 外源河;
main stream 干流;主流;
rejuvenated stream 回春河;
englacial stream 冰内河流;
stream load 河流负荷;
longitudinal stream 走向河;
lava stream 熔岩流;
Gulf Stream 海湾流;
stream terrace 河成阶地;
stream hours 连续工作时数;
tributary stream 支流;
glacier stream 冰河;
Flowing stream 溪流;
stream on 在流程中;
fluid stream 液流;
heheaded stream 断头河;
digital stream [计] 数字流;
displacement stream 排代运动;
stream trenching 河流下切;
glacial stream 冰河,冰源河;




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