《Brown Bear, Brown Bear 棕熊、棕熊,你看到了什么?》绘本简介
《Brown Bear, Brown Bear 棕熊、棕熊,你看到了什么?》绘本简介
作者: Bill Martin Jr
出版社: Kaplan
导语:少儿英语绘本频道,为您提供Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 棕熊、棕熊,你看到了什么?少儿英语绘本,此绘本作者是Bill Martin Jr、Kaplan出版,适合7岁-10岁年龄少儿阅读,还为您提供Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 棕熊、棕熊,你看到了什么?简介、Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 棕熊、棕熊,你看到了什么?推荐等信息。
With more than 7 million copies in print in various formatsand languages, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Is one ofthe most treasured children’s books of all time. Now, more than 40years after its first printing, this classic is finally availablein a new, affordable paperback and CD edition.
The narration, provided by Academy Award winning actress GwynethPaltrow, comes from a Grammy-nominated recording, which is sure tobring warmth and humor to children and parents alike.
A special bonus Spanish-language track is included on the audioCD.
Carle's books all have an educational element -- they teachabout animals, numbers, colours and nature -- but a big part oftheir appeal is that they are not didactic or laboured, but lightand entertaining. There's warmth and humour there too JuniorCarle's richly hued, collage-like art and gentle text will becomfortingly familiar to his numerous young devotees PublishersWeekly Eric Carle ... has an unfailing magic. His gentle, glowingcollages are satisfying for parent and child The Times
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